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Breaking News

Leave Application

Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd)

Leave Application  

Regional Coordinator
C/O Admin officer
Program Director
CeLRRd                                                                                              Date: 16th Nov 2012

Dear Sir,

This is to request you to grant me a delivery care for 5 days from 16th Nov 2012 to 26th Nov 2012.
The proposed leave is solicited for own work
Yours Sincerely
Designation: RA & Adm. Officer                                      Signature: ......................
Program:                                                                           Name:............................

Recommendation for the Department:

Alternate arrangement for work:
Recommendation /Comments:
Signature of Manager: ........................................

For the use of Personnel Department:
                                                                                    CL       PL       SL       LWP    Other
Leave Balance to Date                                               ........    ........    .........   .........
Availed leave during the year to date:                                    ........    ........    .........   .........  
Proposed Leave: ..............................................................................................................


As per your application dated  ……………., we would like to inform you that the management has granted   day(s) Privilege  Leave  from
You are advice to continue your duty from
Yours Sincerely,

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